Flat Rebekah in Kenia in the town of Kilifi

Flat Rebekah is now in Kenya. In the town Kilifi. Flat Rebekah is looking at Kilifi Creek, where I am going to  fish later. For now I went to school and learned some Swahili words. Jambi means Hello, and Kwaheri means Good Bye, Rafik means Friend, Pole Pole, means slow down, and Haraka Haraka means Faster Faster. People are very kind and helpful. See a you soon!


Flat Rebekah in Holland

 Some friends took Flat Rebekah on a long trip. But this time I didn’t go  in a stuffy envelope… Flat Rebekah went by airplane! Once Flat Rebekah got of the plane Flat Rebekah still did not know where she was until she past a Big sign and it said Amsterdam Welcomes you. Flat Rebekah was in Holland! Flat Rebekah tried some wooden yellow shoes on… But they were much to big. It was hard  getting a picture by the windmill. The wind from the sails of the mill kept blowing Flat Rebekah away.

Flat Rebekah Arrived Safely in PA

Flat Rebekah arrived safely in PA. Flat Rebekah had breakfast with Dylan. Flat Rebekah had a very busy day! Here are some of my adventures. After breakfast Flat Rebekah went to school with Dylan. Flat Rebekah and Dylan were building in Minecraft  and mining until the bell rang. The day went so fastt hat soon she found herself lifting heavy weights at Crossfit Kids. She tried to help Dylan lift an Atlas stone but it seemed to knock the wind out of her! Once she and Dylan finished working out they met up with Sidney to meet the new puppy cousin at Uncle Tony’s. Sidney was gushing over the roly-poly pup when they arrived but Flat Rebekah and Dylan got some time with the sweet boy, Woody. It was a fun day for Flat Rebekah but I am so tired. Flat Rebekah needs some rest!